Loss of Taste and Smell following Covid shows recovery after Autonomic Blocks: Stellate Ganglion Blocks and Sphenopalatine Ganglion Blocks Role in Recovery.

The Stellate Ganglion and Sphenopalatine Ganglion Blocks have both been called “Miracle Blocks” and the Stellate Ganglion Block has been called “The God Block”!

This article was published in Pain Medicine News: “Bilateral Stellate Ganglion Block Relieves Anosmia, Ageusia Associated With Long COVID.”

The Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block was originally discovered in 1908 by Greenfield Sluder MD who later became Chair of Otolaryngology at Washington University School of Medicine. It was the topic of a best selling book “MIRACLES ON PARK AVENUE” which detailed the practice of Milton Reder MD whose entire practice consisted of blocking the Sphenopalatine Ganglion. Pterygopalatine Ganlion or simply the SPG.

The Stellate Ganglion is found at the Cervical Thoracic Junction in front of the firt rib. Blockage of this Sympathetc Ganglion has been studied for over 30 years for treating phanton pain and PTSD. The Veteran’s administation is doing a study treating PTSD in Veterans with Stellate Ganglion Blocks.

What is ultimately clear is that blocking or manipulating these autonomic ganglion can give life changing results. The Stellate Ganglion is a Sympathetic Ganglion at the cervico-thoracic junction. Post-gangliotic fibers from the Stellate Ganglion travel up the Cervical Sympathetic Chain and then via the Superior Cervical Sympathetic Ganglion pass into the Sphenoplatine Ganglion. The Sphenopaltine Ganglion is the largest parasympathetic ganglion of the head. SASPGB or Self-Administar

The Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block is used to treat and eliminate headaches, new daily headaches, migraines, cluster headaches and other types of chronic pain and anxiety, SASPGB or Self-Administered SPG Blocks is hypthesized as an ideal method of restoring taste and smell due to low risk and abscence of negative side effects. Frequent repetition of SPG Blocks are possible with cotton-tipped catheters and are often utized to treat phobias and anxiety aas well. This author saw a patients to prophylactically prevent her migraines but was surprised when she announced “Is this what it feels like to not have anxiety?” This is her video on the first time in her life she remembers being anxiety free! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WX4XE4Zk864&t=3s

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